My app has a table with users, and to update a user with a given id, I have the updateUser
function. The second parameter takes an object with fields for the update.
export const updateUser = (id: string, params: Partial<User>) => {
return documentClient
To simplify interactions with DynamoDB, I have a handful of helpers.
The getUpdateParams
function takes an object with fields and returns UpdateExpression
, ExpressionAttributeNames
, and ExpressionAttributeValues
, which we need to pass to the document client to update the item.
export const getUpdateParams = (params: { [key: string]: any }) => ({
UpdateExpression: `set ${Object.entries(params)
.map(([key]) => `#${key} = :${key}, `)
.reduce((acc, str) => acc + str)
.slice(0, -2)}`,
ExpressionAttributeNames: Object.keys(params).reduce(
(acc, key) => ({
[`#${key}`]: key,
ExpressionAttributeValues: Object.entries(params).reduce(
(acc, [key, value]) => ({
[`:${key}`]: value,
I have a function like getUserItemParams
for every table. It returns an object we need to get, update or delete an item.
export const getUserItemParams = (id: string) => ({
TableName: tableName.users,
Key: { id },